Women in Coffee in Huehuetenango | Promoting Equality in the Coffee Industry in Guatemala
While we still have a long way to go to truly achieve gender equality in the coffee industry, it’s certainly worth highlighting where we see advancement—from the women coffee growers who are challenging the status quo to the administrations who are taking bold steps to break biases within their organizational structures. These examples serve as immense inspiration for what De La Gente, our partner cooperatives, and the entire coffee industry can achieve to ensure there are more women in coffee—from cultivation to processing to serving to negotiating.

Antigua Coffee Growing Region | the Land of Shade Grown, Premium Coffee
Antigua, Guatemala is considered to produce some of the best coffee in Guatemala that is internationally recognized for its outstanding quality and flavor. Rainy and dry seasons are well-defined, allowing for gradual and uniform maturity of some of the best arabica, shade grown coffee beans that give way to a specialty coffee that is “elegant and well balanced with a rich aroma and very sweet taste.”