The Young Entrepreneur Fund

The Young Entrepreneurs of San Miguel Escobar is made up of ten participants, each of whom are the children of coffee-growers of our partner cooperatives in San Miguel Escobar. As the rising generation of coffee professionals within their community, these young adults are determined to deepen their understanding of coffee as well as live out their entrepreneurial visions beyond the industry. Many seek to specialize in coffee production while some of these young farmers identify coffee as the vehicle to reach their long-term goals of studying other professions like engineering, medicine, law, etc.

De La Gente is nurturing both their enthusiasm for coffee and professional growth by providing trainings, accompaniment, and with the support of Nossa Familia, funding to these young entrepreneurs. Nossa Familia, a wholesale green coffee customer and long-time De La Gente supporter, has been contributing to the Young Entrepreneur Fund since 2018 and raising awareness about the aspirations and entrepreneurial spirit of these young individuals. Through another year of partnership, we announced the acceptance of loan applications last January. After spending ten days reviewing submitted proposals, we selected final candidates and recently distributed the money to the recipients.

Here is a glimpse at the opportunities being cultivated among the Young Entrepreneurs:

  • Karen is pursuing her nursing degree at the university level, but simultaneously advancing her coffee career She was granted a -loan of $1,500 to purchase a piece of land to cultivate coffee.

  • Marvin similarly seeks to expand his production capacity and was approved for a $1,900 loan to purchase a piece of land on which he will cultivate coffee.

  • Julia, who owns her own store in downtown Ciudad Vieja, applied for and was granted a $1,300 loan to expand her business.

  • Guillermo and Eduardo both received loans for $1,050 to cover harvest expenses and coffee plantation maintenance.

Join us in cultivating more opportunities for the Young Entrepreneurs by making a contribution today.

If you would like your donation to go directly to the Young Entrepreneurs, please be sure to select “Young Entrepreneur Fund” in step 4 of the form.


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