Caficultor T-shirt


*Available only in the U.S. For international orders email us at

We roast and ship roasted coffee orders every Wednesday and Friday, therefore your order must be received by 5:00 pm EST on Tuesday.

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Your contribution goes towards our General Fund, which helps to build the capacity of our nine partner cooperatives to be successful farmer-run organizations. This can be used to provide loans, give trainings, buy machinary or improve infraestructure.

The word coffee grower in Spanish is “caficultor,” a combination of the word café (which means coffee) and cultor (which means cultivator). 

We created limited edition T-shirts with hand-made designs of male and female coffee producers (caficultor and caficultora), and in collaboration with Serigrafía de La Gringa, who gives a second chance to imprisoned people to make a living. rightful way by sewing and doing the screen printing.


We are making efforts to be more inclusive, that is why we have implemented changes on our website to make it accessible for people with visual disabilities. If you are part of this group of people and you are looking to purchase this or any other product, please give us a call at (617) 963-0962 during office hours from 9:30 am to 2:00 pm and 3:00 pm to 6:00 pm EST, Monday through Friday. We would love to assist you with the checkout process.