Women Caficultora Network
Red de Mujeres Caficultoras
Located in the Antigua Coffee Growing Region
This group began in 2023 as an initiative of De La Gente due to the generational problems that have existed by the lack of inclusivity in the coffee industry in Guatemala, directly affecting the creation of opportunities for women. The industry is dominated by men, which makes the role of women in the value chain invisible in most cases. This is a major obstacle to increasing women's participation in coffee production. On the other hand, the consumer is now more interested in seeing more participation of women in the industry. This has led to a harmful dynamic of using the image of women as a marketing strategy without authentically giving voice and power to the women behind that image.
By creating the Caficultora (feminine form of the Spanish word "caficultor" which means coffee grower) Network, we seek to enhance the role of women, going beyond producing coffee, ensuring that they have a voice in the negotiations of their products and that they have the capacity to undertake a career related to coffee. We provide technical, social, and environmental support, as well as access to more and better economic opportunities in the coffee sector.
Currently, this new group of women is made up of six participants from the coffee-growing region of Antigua. Each one has different capabilities and knowledge about coffee cultivation and production. In 2024, with great enthusiasm, it will be their first year exporting coffee as a group with a total of 3,000 pounds.